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WarGreymon (ウォーグレイモン)
Form: Ultimate
Type: Dragon Man
Dragon's Roar
Metal Empire
Virus Busters
Doubles your evasion rate against this element
Attacks against this element are not avoidable
Digivolved from: MetalGreymon
Digivolved to: Omegamon ?

WarGreymon is a Dragon Digimon. The strongest dragon warrior whose body is clad in armor of the super-metal "Chrome Digizoid", it is the ultimate form of Greymon-species Digimon. Though it differs from the gigantic figure seen in Greymon-species Digimon, and has the form of a Man-type, it has rapidly improved its speed and power, and it is likely impossible to defeat it with the attacks of an Ultimate Digimon. The "Dramon Destroyers" (Dramon Killers) equipped to both of its arms exhibit immense power against Dramon-species Digimon, while simultaneously being double-edged swords that put its own life at great risk. Also, when the shells equipped on its back unite into one, they become the "Brave Shield", which is a shield of the strongest toughness. It is said that the moment that a true hero among veteran warriors awakens to its own mission, it digivolves into WarGreymon.

  • Requirements:

Evolution Line

Agumon Evolution Line
Agumon Icon.png
Greymon Icon.png
65% chance
MetalGreymon Icon.png
65% chance
WarGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalGreymon Alterous Mode Icon.png
10% chance
MetalGreymon (Virus) Icon.png
10% chance
BlackWarGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
SkullGreymon Icon.png
10% chance
Chimairamon Icon.png
95% chance
Millenniumon Icon.png
95% chance
DarkTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
MetalGreymon Icon.png
75% chance
WarGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
Mugendramon Icon.png
95% chance
SkullGreymon Icon.png
10% chance
Chimairamon Icon.png
95% chance
Millenniumon Icon.png
95% chance
Tyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
MetalGreymon Icon.png
37.5% chance
WarGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
Mugendramon Icon.png
95% chance
MasterTyranomon Icon.png
37.5% chance
SkullGreymon Icon.png
10% chance
Chimairamon Icon.png
95% chance
Millenniumon Icon.png
95% chance
FlareLizamon Icon.png
10% chance
DarkLizamon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalTyranomon Icon.png
95% chance
Mugendramon Icon.png
95% chance
Gazimon Evolution Line
Gazimon Icon.png
Deltamon Icon.png
75% chance
Nanomon Icon.png
85% chance
SkullGreymon Icon.png
10% chance
Chimairamon Icon.png
95% chance
Millenniumon Icon.png
95% chance
Devidramon Icon.png
10% chance
Mephismon Icon.png
95% chance
Gulfmon Icon.png
95% chance
DarkTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
MetalGreymon Icon.png
75% chance
WarGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
Mugendramon Icon.png
95% chance
SkullGreymon Icon.png
10% chance
Chimairamon Icon.png
95% chance
Millenniumon Icon.png
95% chance
Tyumon Evolution Line
Tyumon Icon.png
Numemon Icon.png
28.33% chance
Etemon Icon.png
10% chance
MetalEtemon Icon.png
95% chance
Monzaemon Icon.png
42.5% chance
Vademon Icon.png
42.5% chance
Ebemon Icon.png
95% chance
Scumon Icon.png
28.33% chance
Etemon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalEtemon Icon.png
95% chance
Raremon Icon.png
28.34% chance
Gerbemon Icon.png
95% chance
Tyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
MetalGreymon Icon.png
37.5% chance
WarGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
Mugendramon Icon.png
95% chance
MasterTyranomon Icon.png
37.5% chance
SkullGreymon Icon.png
10% chance
Chimairamon Icon.png
95% chance
Millenniumon Icon.png
95% chance
Gizamon Evolution Line
Gizamon Icon.png
Seadramon Icon.png
37.5% chance
MegaSeadramon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalSeadramon Icon.png
95% chance
Shellmon Icon.png
37.5% chance
Anomalocarimon Icon.png
85% chance
Whamon Icon.png
10% chance
Neptunemon Icon.png
47.5% chance
MarinAngemon Icon.png
47.5% chance
Devidramon Icon.png
10% chance
Mephismon Icon.png
95% chance
Gulfmon Icon.png
95% chance
DarkTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
MetalGreymon Icon.png
75% chance
WarGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
Mugendramon Icon.png
95% chance
SkullGreymon Icon.png
10% chance
Chimairamon Icon.png
95% chance
Millenniumon Icon.png
95% chance

Default Stats

Digimon Stats on lv95
HP 6151
SP 1749
STR 1018
INT 731
DEF 960
RES 860
SPD 491
Critical Range 14.20%
Damage Range 95% - 105.00%
Critical Damage 150.00%
Critical Damage Resistance 0.00%
Status Effect Resistance 7.35% - 8.99%


Attacks Attribute SP Effect Number of attacks Range
Dramon Killer
N/A No effect
Gaia Force
155 No effect
Brave Shield
186 Defence Up
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10
Dramon Killer.png Dramon Killer 25 27.5 30 32.5 35 37.5 40 42.5 45 47.5
Gaia Force.png Gaia Force 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145
Brave Shield.png Brave Shield

3rd Skill Effect - Brave Shield

Effect Defence Up.png Defence Up

Activation: % chance

Buff Effect: DEF & RES 10% increase during schedule turn