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Mephismon (メフィスモン)
Form: Perfect
Type: Fallen Angel
Nightmare Soldiers
Dark Area32.png
Dark Area
Damage reduced by 25% when receiving an attack from this element
Attacks against this element are not avoidable
Unlocked with item:
Apocalymon Own Thoughts.png
Apocalymon Own Thoughts
Digivolved from: Devidramon
Digivolved to: Gulfmon

Mephismon is an Fallen Angel Digimon. It has the appearance of a giant male goat, and is a dark being born from the lingering thought-data of an Apocalymon that attempted to destroy all life. Like Apocalymon, its governing principle is the extermination of all life. It specializes in the black magic of the Dark-species, and its personality is endlessly cruel. However, it is extremely intelligent, and is also a tactician.

  • lv90, INT 965, RES 714, SPD 411

Evolution Line

Gazimon Evolution Line
Gazimon Icon.png
Deltamon Icon.png
75% chance
Nanomon Icon.png
85% chance
SkullGreymon Icon.png
10% chance
Chimairamon Icon.png
95% chance
Millenniumon Icon.png
95% chance
Devidramon Icon.png
10% chance
Mephismon Icon.png
95% chance
Gulfmon Icon.png
95% chance
DarkTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
MetalGreymon Icon.png
75% chance
WarGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
Mugendramon Icon.png
95% chance
SkullGreymon Icon.png
10% chance
Chimairamon Icon.png
95% chance
Millenniumon Icon.png
95% chance
PicoDevimon/DemiDevimon Evolution Line
PicoDevimon Icon.png
Devimon Icon.png
42.5% chance
NeoDevimon Icon.png
10% chance
DoneDevimon Icon.png
95% chance
LadyDevimon Icon.png
10% chance
Vamdemon Icon.png
75% chance
VenomVamdemon Icon.png
95% chance
Devidramon Icon.png
10% chance
Mephismon Icon.png
95% chance
Gulfmon Icon.png
95% chance
Evilmon Icon.png
42.5% chance
Vamdemon Icon.png
95% chance
VenomVamdemon Icon.png
95% chance
Gizamon Evolution Line
Gizamon Icon.png
Seadramon Icon.png
37.5% chance
MegaSeadramon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalSeadramon Icon.png
95% chance
Shellmon Icon.png
37.5% chance
Anomalocarimon Icon.png
85% chance
Whamon Icon.png
10% chance
Neptunemon Icon.png
47.5% chance
MarinAngemon Icon.png
47.5% chance
Devidramon Icon.png
10% chance
Mephismon Icon.png
95% chance
Gulfmon Icon.png
95% chance
DarkTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
MetalGreymon Icon.png
75% chance
WarGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
Mugendramon Icon.png
95% chance
SkullGreymon Icon.png
10% chance
Chimairamon Icon.png
95% chance
Millenniumon Icon.png
95% chance

Default Stats

Digimon Stats on lv100
HP 3996
SP 1543
STR 747
INT 840
DEF 678
RES 678
SPD 361


Attacks Attribute SP Effect Number of attacks Range
N/A No effect
Black Sabbath
79 No effect
Death Cloud
95 Burn
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10
Winged.png Winged 12.5 13.75 15 16.25 17.5 18.75 20 21.25 22.5 23.75
Black Sabbath.png Black Sabbath 25 26.25 27.5 28.75 30 31.25 32.5 33.75 35 36.25
Death Cloud.png Death Cloud 15 15.7 16.4 17.1 17.8 18.5 19.2 19.9 20.6 21.3

3rd Skill Effect - Death Cloud

Effect Burn.png Burn

Activation: 65% chance

Debuff Effect: Digimon defends itself from wind moves. The effect is canceled or attacked by water or ice.