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Pokomon (ポコモン)
Form: Baby II
No Attribute
Type: Lesser
Family: TBD
Digivolved from: Relemon
Digivolved to: Renamon

Pokomon is a Lesser Digimon. It is a nocturnal Digimon that digivolved from Relemon. Due to it only acting in the evening and on moonlit nights, it is said that its existence is close to an illusion. For that reason, it confers a kind of status among Tamers to raise a Pokomon. It will grow into an extremely heartening Digimon depending on how it was raised. It always acts to avoid public notice, and although it is difficult to capture Pokomon, who is swift and speedy despite its appearance, it will show up without thinking if you set out its favorite food of fried tofu. Sightings have been reported in the vicinity of Moonmon, which shares the same nocturnal habits.

Evolution Line

Pokomon Evolution Line
Pokomon Icon.png
Renamon Icon.png
100% chance