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Pinochimon/Puppetmon ( ピノッキモン)
Form: Ultimate
Type: Puppet
Jungle Troopers
Wind Guardians
Damage reduced by 25% when receiving an attack from this element
Chance of status effects from this element increases
Digivolved from: Jyureimon
Digivolved to: Apocalymon

Pinochimon is a Puppet Digimon. It was built from the body of a cursed Jyureimon, and it is thought that it was probably constructed from Jyureimon's data by a single fiendish hacker. It has an appearance like a marionette, but it can move under its own volition. Its personality is detestable, as it tells fibs, and when a computer presents false information, it is the work of Pinochimon.

  • lv95, STR 999 (27%), INT 999 (27%), RES 1111 (7%) + item Left Non-evolutionary Will
  • lv100, STR 999 (22%), INT 999 (22%), RES 1111 (3%) + item Left Non-evolutionary Will

Evolution Line

Floramon Evolution Line
Floramon Icon.png
Kiwimon Icon.png
10% chance
Blossomon Icon.png
85% chance
Delumon Icon.png
10% chance
Woodmon Icon.png
10% chance
Jyureimon Icon.png
75% chance
Pinochimon Icon.png
95% chance
Apocalymon Icon.png
100% chance
Delumon Icon.png
10% chance
Pumpmon Icon.png
10% chance
Vegimon Icon.png
65% chance
Vademon Icon.png
95% chance
Ebemon Icon.png
95% chance
Sunflowmon Icon.png
10% chance
Lilamon Icon.png
95% chance
Mushmon Evolution LIne
Mushmon Icon.png
Yukidarumon Icon.png
55% chance
Monzaemon Icon.png
47.5% chance
WaruMonzaemon Icon.png
47.5% chance
Woodmon Icon.png
10% chance
Jyureimon Icon.png
75% chance
Pinochimon Icon.png
95% chance
Apocalymon Icon.png
100% chance
Delumon Icon.png
10% chance
Pumpmon Icon.png
10% chance
Sunflowmon Icon.png
10% chance
Lilamon Icon.png
95% chance
RedVegimon Icon.png
10% chance
Jyureimon Icon.png
95% chance
Pinochimon Icon.png
95% chance
Apocalymon Icon.png
100% chance
Igamon Icon.png
10% chance
Palmon Evolution Line
Palmon Icon.png
Togemon Icon.png
37.5% chance
Lilimon Icon.png
42.5% chance
Rosemon Icon.png
95% chance
Babamon Icon.png
100% chance
Jyureimon Icon.png
42.5% chance
Pinochimon Icon.png
95% chance
Apocalymon Icon.png
100% chance
Delumon Icon.png
10% chance
Vegimon Icon.png
37.5% chance
Vademon Icon.png
95% chance
Ebemon Icon.png
95% chance
Nanimon Icon.png
10% chance
Digitamamon Icon.png
95% chance
Titamon Icon.png
95% chance
Sunflowmon Icon.png
10% chance
Lilamon Icon.png
95% chance

Default Stats

Digimon Stats on lv100
HP 4885
SP 2300
STR 821
INT 821
DEF 1015
RES 1083
SPD 507
Critical Range 15.00%
Damage Range 95% - 105.00%
Critical Damage 150.00%
Critical Damage Resistance 0.00%
Status Effect Resistance 9.75% - 11.91%


Attacks Attribute SP Effect Number of attacks Range
Hammer Swing
N/A No effect
Bullet Hammer
120 No effect
Wires Choking
144 Charming
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10
Hammer Swing.png Hammer Swing 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Bullet Hammer.png Bullet Hammer 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145
Wires Choking.png Wires Choking

3rd Skill Effect - Wires Choking

Effect Charming.png Charming

Activation: % chance

Debuff Effect: Digimon randomly attacks another Digimon or stands still. The skill used is random and also charm (can attack allies).