Category:Jogress / Fusion / DigiXros

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1. Jogress Evolution (ジョグレス進化). Two Digimon combine together to evolve into a new, stronger Digimon who is typically of a higher Evolution stage than either of the constituent Digimon.


Aquilamon Icon.png Aquilamon (Adult) + Tailmon Icon.png Tailmon (Adult), Jogress Evolve to become Silphymon Icon.png Silphymon, a Perfect Digimon.


2. Fusion (合体). Two Digimon combine together to evolve into a new, stronger Digimon of the same Evolution Stage as at least one of the constituent Digimon.


MetalGarurumon Icon.png MetalGarurumon (Ultimate) + WarGreymon Icon.png WarGreymon (Ultimate), fuse to become Omegamon Icon.png Omegamon, a stronger Ultimate Digimon.


Pages in category "Jogress / Fusion / DigiXros"

The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.