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Revision as of 12:27, 11 February 2025 by Ririo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" id="scraper-infobox" style="padding-left: 20px; min-width: 280px; max-width: 400px; float: right; margin: 0;" |+ ! colspan="2" |<center>'''Hiyarimon (ワニャモン)'''</center> |- | colspan="2" |center |- |Form: |Baby II |- |Attribute: |left No Attribute |- |Type: |Lesser |- |Digivolved from: |YukimiBotamon </br> |- |Digivolved to: | </br>...")
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Hiyarimon (ワニャモン)
Form: Baby II
No Attribute
Type: Lesser
Digivolved from: YukimiBotamon
Digivolved to:

A Lesser Digimon that evolved from YukimiBotamon. The fluffy cilia it once had are now gone, and instead the surface of its body is always covered with snow. It lives mostly in snowy mountains, and its body melts when exposed to sunlight, so it is active after sunset. It seems that the bigger the icicle is that hangs from the tip of its beak, the more energized it is.

Evolution Line

Hiyarimon Evolutione Line
Hiyarimon Icon.png
Penmon Icon.png
100% chance