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Debuffs are negative effects caused by skills. They have different effects.

The level of the debuff depends on the level of the skill:

Skill lv1~lv4: Debuff lv1

Skill lv5~lv9: Debuff lv2

Skill lv10: Debuff lv3

Effect Electrify.png Electrify

Damage per turn: 5%/7,5%/10%

Duration: 4 turns

Effect: Digimon can't withstand being hit by water. The effect is canceled or attacked by a plant or earth.

Digimon with debuffs:
Seraphimon: 2nd Skill Effect - Ascension Hallow
Triceramon: 3rd Skill Effect - Golden Tri-Horn Attack
HerakleKabuterimon: 3rd Skill Effect - Giga Blaster
Kabuterimon: 2nd Skill Effect - Mega Blaster
Andromon: 3rd Skill Effect - Spiral Sword

Effect Addiction.png Addiction

Damage per turn: 5%/7,5%/10%

Duration: 4 turns

Effect: Deals lasting damage every turn. The effect is canceled or attacked by fire.

Digimon with debuffs:

Blossomon: 2nd Skill Effect - Pollinosis Shower
Numemon: 2nd Skill Effect - Unchi Nage
Gerbemon: 3rd Skill Effect - Unchi Bazooka
Lilimon: 3rd Skill Effect - Temptation
Flymon: 3rd Skill Effect - Poison Powder
Togemon: 2nd Skill Effect - Needle Spray
Sunflowmon: 3rd Skill Effect - Cactus Tail
Nanimon: 3rd Skill Effect - Unchi Dunk
Vegimon: 3rd Skill Effect - Chou Akushū Funsha
Delumon: 3rd Skill Effect - Royal Nuts
SkullGreymon: 3rd Skill Effect - Curse Breath
Rosemon: 3rd Skill Effect - Forbidden Temptation

Effect Bleeding.png Bleeding

Damage per turn: 5%/7,5%/10%

Duration: 4 turns

Effect: Digimon fails against physical moves. The effect is canceled or treated.

Effect Burn.png Burn

Damage per turn: 5%/7,5%/10%

Duration: 4 turns

Effect: Digimon defends itself from wind moves. The effect is canceled or attacked by water or ice.

Effect Charming.png Charming

Damage per turn: 0%

Duration: 1/1/2 turns

Effect: Digimon randomly attacks another Digimon or stands still. The skill used is random and also charm (can attack allies).

Effect Freezing.png Freezing

Damage per turn: 0%

Duration: 1/1/2 turns

Effect: Digimon cannot attack. Weak against thunder moves. The effect is canceled or attacked by thunder.

Effect Petrification.png Petrification

Damage per turn: 0%

Duration: 1/1/2 turns

Effect: Digimon cannot attack. Weak against steel moves. The effect is canceled or attacked by steel.

Effect Stun.png Stun

Damage per turn: 0%

Duration: 1/1/2 turns

Effect: Digimon cannot attack.