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Fantomon (ソウルモン)
Form: Perfect
Type: Ghost
Nightmare Soldiers
Damage reduced by 25% when receiving an attack from this element
Chance of status effects from this element increases
Digivolved from: Bakemon


Digivolved to: MetalFantomon

Fantomon is a Ghost Digimon. A Reaper-like Digimon holding a gigantic sickle and chain. It is a higher class of Ghost Digimon compared to Bakemon, so when a person is possessed by Fantomon they are in their last moments, and it comes upon them when they die completely. There is a crystal shaped like an eyeball hanging from its neck, and similar to Mammon's crest, it is able to foresee everything with its power of clairvoyance, in order to perceive those that are close to death. It is said that the interior of the cloth which conceals its body leads to a separate dimension from the Digital World.

Evolution Line

Keramon Evolution Line
Keramon Icon.png
Bakemon Icon.png
31.67% chance
Pumpmon Icon.png
10% chance
Fantomon Icon.png
85% chance
MetalFantomon Icon.png
95% chance
Gokumon Icon.png
95% chance
Soulmon Icon.png
31.67% chance
Fantomon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalFantomon Icon.png
95% chance
Gokumon Icon.png
95% chance
Chrysalimon Icon.png
31.66% chance
Infermon Icon.png
95% chance
Diablomon Icon.png
47.5% chance
Parasimon Icon.png
47.5% chance
Candmon Evolution Line
Candmon Icon.png
Meramon Icon.png
10% chance
DeathMeramon Icon.png
85% chance
BlueMeramon Icon.png
10% chance
Bakemon Icon.png
37.5% chance
Pumpmon Icon.png
10% chance
Fantomon Icon.png
85% chance
MetalFantomon Icon.png
95% chance
Gokumon Icon.png
95% chance
Soulmon Icon.png
37.5% chance
Fantomon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalFantomon Icon.png
95% chance
Gokumon Icon.png
95% chance
Wizarmon Icon.png
10% chance
Mistymon Icon.png
85% chance
Dynasmon Icon.png
47.5% chance
LordKnightmon Icon.png
47.5% chance
Jokermon Icon.png
10% chance
Piemon Icon.png
95% chance

Default Stats

Digimon Stats on lv90
HP 2198
SP 1454
STR 841
INT 698
DEF 652
RES 801
SPD 246


Attacks Attribute SP Effect Number of attacks Range
Diabolic Star
N/A No effect
Soul Chopper
97 No effect
Shi no Senkoku
136 Bleeding
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10
Diabolic Star.png Diabolic Star 12.5 13.75 15 16.25 17.5 18.75 20 21.25 22.5 23.75
Soul Chopper.png Soul Chopper 33.33 35 36.67 38.34 40.01 41.68 43.35 45.02 46.69 48.36
Shi no Senkoku.png Shi no Senkoku 22.5 23.56 24.62 25.68 26.74 27.8 28.86 29.92 30.98 32.04

3rd Skill Effect - Shi no Senkoku

Effect Bleeding.png Bleeding

Activation: % chance

Debuff Effect: Deals lasting damage every turn. It becomes vulnerable to physical properties. If you receive power, it will be released.