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FlareLizamon (フレアリザモン)
Form: Adult
Type: Flame Dragon
Nature Spirits
Nightmare Soldiers
Damage reduced by 25% when receiving an attack from this element
Attacks against this element are not avoidable
Digivolved from: Agumon
Digivolved to: DarkLizamon

Mummymon (with Minotaurmon)


FlareLizamon is a Flame Dragon Digimon. It is a Digimon whose entire body is wrapped in flames. It is a hot-blooded Digimon that possesses both a heart that burns like fire and the power of a dragon. Although the flames throughout its body are generated by its high-temperature skin combusting, its skin has remarkable regenerative abilities, and so FlareLizamon is able to continue burning until it is extinguished. In addition, the claws on both its arms are scorched in the flames across its body and have become extremely hot, so the opponent that it has torn apart suffers double damage from being both lacerated and burned.

Evolution Line

Agumon Evolution Line
Agumon Icon.png
Greymon Icon.png
65% chance
MetalGreymon Icon.png
65% chance
WarGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalGreymon Alterous Mode Icon.png
10% chance
BlitzGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalGreymon (Virus) Icon.png
10% chance
BlackWarGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
SkullGreymon Icon.png
10% chance
Chimairamon Icon.png
95% chance
Millenniumon Icon.png
95% chance
DarkTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
MetalGreymon Icon.png
75% chance
WarGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
Mugendramon Icon.png
95% chance
SkullGreymon Icon.png
10% chance
Chimairamon Icon.png
95% chance
Millenniumon Icon.png
95% chance
Tyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
MetalGreymon Icon.png
37.5% chance
WarGreymon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalTyranomon Icon.png
10% chance
Mugendramon Icon.png
95% chance
MasterTyranomon Icon.png
37.5% chance
SkullGreymon Icon.png
10% chance
Chimairamon Icon.png
95% chance
Millenniumon Icon.png
95% chance
FlareLizamon Icon.png
10% chance
DarkLizamon Icon.png
95% chance
MetalTyranomon Icon.png
95% chance
Mugendramon Icon.png
95% chance
Mummymon Evolution Line
FlareLizamon Icon.png


Minotaurmon Icon.png
Mummymon Icon.png
50% chance
Pharaohmon Icon.png
95% chance

Default Stats

Digimon Stats on lv100
HP 3406
SP 836
STR 677
INT 408
DEF 403
RES 652
SPD 229


Attacks Attribute SP Effect Number of attacks Range
Fire Breath
N/A No effect
Fire Tower
65 Burn
Flame Hit
46 No effect
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10
Fire Breath FlareLizamon.png Fire Breath 12.5 13.75 15 16.25 17.5 18.75 20 21.25 22.5 23.75
Fire Tower.png Fire Tower 22.5 23.56 24.62 25.68 26.74 27.8 28.86 29.92 30.98 32.04
Flame Hit.png Flame Hit 33.33 35 36.67 38.34 40.01 41.68 43.35 45.02 46.69 48.36

2nd Skill Effect - Fire Tower

Effect Burn.png Burn

Activation: % chance

Debuff Effect: Digimon defends itself from wind moves. The effect is canceled or attacked by water or ice.