Beelzebumon (2010)

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Beelzebumon (2010) (ベルゼブモン 2010)
Beelzebumon (2010).png
Form: Ultimate
Type: Demon Lord
Nightmare Soldiers
Doubles your evasion rate against this element
Chance of status effects from this element increases
Unlocked with item:
Zhuqiaomon Force.png
Zhuqiaomon Force
Digivolved from: Baalmon

Beelzebumon (2010) is a Demon Lord Digimon. It is an aloof demon warrior possessing terrifying destructive power. Although it is seen as having a calm personality as a result of its indifference to strangers due to its taciturnity, in actuality, it loves conflict more than anyone else. It is considered one of the strongest Digimon, and anyone who sees Beelzebumon's figure and still challenges it to a fight is nothing but a fool. Also, Beelzebumon will never run away from a battle it was challenged to. There are more than a few opponents that were defeated by its "Oblivion Cannon" (Death the Cannon), but it must exercise further caution in its use. It wields the gigantic "Berenjena SDX" (Esp: Eggplant SDX) gun on its right arm, and the "Berenjena" (Esp: Eggplant) in its left.

Evolution Line

Impmon Evolution Line
Impmon Icon.png
MadLeomon Icon.png
95% chance
Baalmon Icon.png
95% chance
Beelzebumon Icon.png
47.5% chance
Beelzebumon Blast Mode Icon.png
100% chance
Beelzebumon (2010) Icon.png
47.5% chance

Default Stats

Digimon Stats on lv100
HP 5736
SP 1987
STR 1083
INT 993
DEF 941
RES 888
SPD 507
Critical Range 17.30%
Damage Range 95% - 105.00%
Critical Damage 150.00%
Critical Damage Resistance 0.00%
Status Effect Resistance 7.99% - 9.77%


Attacks Attribute SP Effect Number of attacks Range
Double Impact SDX
N/A No effect
Darkness Claw
190 Speed Down
Death the Cannon
158 No effect
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10
Double Impact SDX.png Double Impact SDX 8.33 9.16 9.99 10.82 11.65 12.48 13.31 14.14 14.97 15.8
Darkness Claw (2010).png Darkness Claw 90 94.25 98.5 102.75 107 111.25 115.5 119.75 124 128.25
Death the Cannon.png Death the Cannon 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145

2nd Skill Effect - Darkness Claw

Effect Speed Down.png Speed Down

Activation: % chance

Debuff Effect: SPD 10% is reduced during a certain turn.